Strategic Collaborations


One of the core roles of the Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM) is to enhance its functions and contributions in social work and social development through strategic collaborations. ISM strengthens its strategic networks with various entities, both domestic and international, including government and private agencies, corporations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), associations, and public and private higher education institutions. These partnerships aim to address the need for holistic human capital development.

These collaborations encompass training programmes, academic courses, research and studies, as well as targeted programmes and publications.

ISM Strategic Collaborations


Type of Collaborations:

  1. Collaboration Programs
  2. Studies and Research
  3. Seminars / Conferences
  4. Publications
  5. Courses / Training
  6. Other Strategic Collaborations

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Proposed Research Themes

Suggestions for research themes for upcoming courses or activities aim to establish a primary focus that aligns with current developments and institutional needs. These themes will guide research and learning within the courses or activities, ensuring alignment with strategic goals and providing value to participants. Additionally, they are intended to encourage in-depth exploration of pressing contemporary issues critical to the organization's growth and advancement.